
woensdag 13 april 2011

Hello from.......Sleen

It is my turn to introduce myself so sit down, relax and enjoy.

                                                             Recognize this happy face?

                                                          Still pretty happy after a year.

I am 47 year young and live in Sleen the most beautiful village in Holland. We all know why. They have the best stampshop of Europe. I work as a creditmanager for an health insurence company in Groningen. Not an easy job but I am lucky to have such great other activities as stamping, traveling, geocaching and photography so there is a good balance in my life. I also like to do some odd things like, jumping out of an airplane, screaming on a rolercoast ride, cycling in Nevada in only 48 degrees, in the shadow, and working on a art project with a photographer with this silverbird creation. I must say, I am getting older now and wiser so the scary and risky things are not on the top 3 list anymore.
Number 1 is stamping.

Number 2 is photography.
Number 3 is geocaching with Louise.
You still don't regonize me on the photo's above? Mayby this one ,taken recently, helps.
                                                Older and wiser and.....still a happy face.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. wonderful the baby photo's!And yet another photographer in the group - amazing photo!

  2. Ja een echt gave introductie, ik heb genoten...
    Groetjes Jolande

  3. Je bent niets veranderd Jeanette :)
    Leuke introductie, en zoals Paula ook al zei, TOP fotografie!!

  4. Wat een superleuk verhaal en prachtige foto's Jeanette !! En die babyfoto's, schattig !! Je ziet echt wel dat jij het bent !! Leuk !

  5. Leuk Jeanette, die kinderfoto's en die laatste ....ja zo kennen we je weer.:-)
    groetjes Gre
